New Release
Beruang Pemalu Mau Pup!
4-6 tahun
Beri si Beruang pemalu merasa kebelet pup begitu bangun tidur.
Beri ingin mencari tempat pup yang aman.
Namun pagi itu, suasana di hutan begitu ramai.
Semua hewan pun tak ragu pup sembarangan.
Bagaimana Beri mencari tempat supaya bisa pup dengan tenang?
Barry the Shy Bear feel like he need to poo as soon as he wake up.
He needs a private place to poo.
However that morning, the
woodland was very busy.
All animals do not hesitate
to poo anywhere.
How does Barry find a place
where he can poo in peace?
Author | : | Jonny Leighton |
Price | : | Rp 99,000 |
Category | : | PICTURE BOOKS |
Page | : | 32 halaman |
Format | : | Hard Cover |
Size | : | 24 X 27,8 |
ISBN | : | 9786230418143 |
Publication | : |


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